의미 있는 기사 입니다. 최근 AXXON 미국지사에서도 비슷한 소식을 전해 주었습니다. 얼굴인식기술의 발전이 빠르게 그 중심에 중국업체들의 성능이 압도적인 것으로 평가되고 있습니다. https://www.huffingtonpost.kr/entry/story_kr_5c024372e4b0606a15b5748f
1 Comment
10/20/2024 19:46:09
I wanted to express my gratitude for your insightful and engaging article. Your writing is clear and easy to follow, and I appreciated the way you presented your ideas in a thoughtful and organized manner. Your analysis was both thought-provoking and well-researched, and I enjoyed the real-life examples you used to illustrate your points. Your article has provided me with a fresh perspective on the subject matter and has inspired me to think more deeply about this topic.
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