www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=71647 출처 CCTV 뉴스 2017.09.11 개인영상정보 보호와 활용의 균형을 맞추기 위해, 국민의 권리와 영상 산업 발전을 위해 앞으로 어떤 합리적인 법안이 마련될 지 기대 됩니다.
SKT의 누구, KT의 기가지니! 인공지능 (AI) 셋톱박스의 경쟁이 한창이라고 합니다. 주의 사용한 분들의 평가는 아직 그리 편리하지 않다고 하지만 각각 제품을 만드는 원천 공급사는 각각 아이리버 그리고 가온미디어라고 합니다. http://www.skyedaily.com/news/news_view.html?ID=63900 KT의 지니가 사용하는, AI 기능의 핵심 칩은 중국의 HISILICON이라고 하고 아래와 같이 핵심 칩 사용은 중국 거대 기업에 의존하고 있는 상황인것 같습니다. http://www.hisilicon.com/en/Media-Center/News/201703KT%20PR London, UK & Shenzhen, China - 28th March 2017 – HiSilicon Technologies Co., Ltd, as a world leading fabless IC semiconductor company, today officially announced the collaboration with Korea Telecom (KT), Korea’s largest and leading telecom corporation. With the most advanced HiSilicon chipset Hi3798C V200 inside, KT unveils world’s first artificial intelligence (AI) smart home media hub.
KT GiGA Genie is the first UHD IP media hub with AI technology in the world which is capable of recognizing user’s voice command and providing services accordingly. Better than the audio-activated AI devices, KT GiGA Genie has upgraded with video-activated services allowing users to see what they command on TV screen. HiSilicon concentrates on minimize the latency and improve voice recognition accuracy through strong capability of research and design with other partners. Untilising the leading technologies, KT’s GiGA Genie can achieve 95% voice recognition accuracy and communicate without time lag. HiSilicon enable the media hub to play HDR live and VoD stream by integrating intelligent middleware. Even in the PIP mode, the video could be perfectly converted from HDR to SDR and clearly shown in the small window. Hisilicon Hi3798CV200 as the main SoC, System on Chip, of the media hub enables KT to achieve high performance and innovative user experience based on successful cooperation with all other component device parts such as audio/video, wireless, power control/management and so on even middle-ware and application software partner. Hi3798CV200 provides powerful CPU processing capabilities with a quad-core ARM® Cortex® A53 64-bit CPU and a multi-core ARM® MaliTM-T720 GPU which meets differentiated service requirements. Hi3798C V200 supports Dolby vision/HDR 10 technologies and integrates ImprexTM2.0 PQ engine which provide an immersive best-in-class video quality experience. Hi3798CV200 provides powerful CPU/GPU processing capabilities with a quad-core ARM® Cortex® A53 64-bit CPU and a multi-core ARM® MaliTM-T720 GPU which meets differentiated service requirements. Hi3798C V200 supports Dolby vision/HDR 10 technologies and integrates ImprexTM2.0 PQ engine which provide an immersive best-in-class video quality experience. Hi3798CV200 enables flexible connection schemes with multiple Ethernet ports, USB 2.0 ports, USB 3.0 ports, SATA/eSATA ports, PCIe 2.0 ports, and more peripheral interfaces. It has high scalability on intelligent peripherals such as multiple IoT devices and video call camera. GiGA Genie as a media hub can entertain the family time through more user-oriented services including media, video call, home IOT, home assistant services. KT GiGA Genie opens up a new era of AI home and builds a benchmark for other Pay TV operators. HiSilicon is devoted to work closely with other partners exceeding Pay TV operators’ requirements, accelerate their profit growth and entertain the family life. 차량의 수를 count하는 기능은 센서를 이용하는 방법, 카메라 영상을 이용하는 방법 그리고 바닥에 매설된 loop coil의 인식을 이용하는 방법이 있습니다. 영상을 이용하는 방법은 넓은 지역에 적용할 수 있으며 결과의 2차 활용 (법규위반, 속도측정등)도 가능하지만 카메라 설치와 SW설치등 지능화 기능에 따른 비용 수반이 예상됩니다. 센서를 이용하는 방법은 적용 현장에 제약이 있을수 있으나 가장 효율적인 비용으로 특히 MAGO에서 개발한 VC(VEHICLE COUNTER)의 경우 적용이 필요한 주차장 입구/출구에 설치되어서 인식율 99% 정도의 정확한 결과를 만들어 낼 수 있는 것은 물론이고 출구/입구에서 발생하는 역주행 + 꼬리물기등 정체 +차량정지등 여러 발생할 수 있는 정상적인 차량 출입 이외의 시나리오에 대응이 가능하다고 합니다.
https://www.magotec.com/cardet-kr 상하이 권역은 몇개 지역으로 나누어 있다고 들었습니다. 권역별로 나눈 곳 마다 도시의 수준과 생활 수준도 차이가 있다고 합니다. 자전거 전용도로가 잘 발달되어 있고 교통 준수도 잘 지켜지는 중국 도시의 모습이 참 인상적이었습니다. 특히 도심 곳곳에 자유롭게 공유되고 편리하게 mobile 결제가 되는 자전거 sharing 서비스가 정말 많이 사용되고 있었는데, 노란 자전거 Ofo소개 영상입니다. 아직 국내에서는 볼 수 없는데, 도심 도로의 변경등 여의치 않은 이유들이 예상이 됩니다. 74% of IoT projects fail. Stop doing these things and beat the odds. https://strategyofthings.io/ The Internet of Things (IoT) brings the potential of disruptive transformation and game changing benefits. Analysts predict billions and billions of IoT devices by 2020. So how come no one is buying IoT?
Today’s buyers are faced with immature point solutions that are still changing with emerging use cases and evolving technology standards. Furthermore, many of these solutions are created by start-ups that may or may not be around a year or two from now. Finally, giving the dynamic changes in the market, IoT solutions face the possibility of early obsolescence. Against this current reality, what can IoT solution vendors do to sell more? This post describes eight things vendors should stop doing, along with what they should be doing instead. To Succeed in IoT, Stop. Doing. These. Things.1. Stop Calling it IoT.The Internet of Things or IoT is one of the hottest marketing buzzwords in the technology industry over the past couple of years. Unfortunately for you, most of your future customers work outside the technology industry. Many have never heard of IoT, and if they have, they don’t care. Start describing your solution in the same everyday words that your customers use to address the problems they care most about. For example, your customers care about optimizing their costs of operating a nationwide fleet of freight trucks. You don’t have an IoT solution. You have a solution that helps them minimize truck downtime, maximizes the number of trucks on the road, while minimizing the operating costs per truck and managed with the least amount of people. 2. Stop Selling Technology.IoT is cool. From intelligent edge devices that transmit data over several miles using low power wide area networks (LPWANs) to an IoT platform in the cloud, to machine learning algorithms that interpret the data and make optimized recommendations that are carried out at the edge. It’s too bad customers don’t buy “cool” technology. Start selling solutions to real world problems that your customers care about. Find their top problems, validate these “use cases”, and build your technology and services solution around those. Then prove it using your solution. 3. Stop Going to IoT Conferences.IoT conferences are great for learning about IoT. Where else can you go and learn about the latest IoT technologies, meet IoT vendors, hear IoT experts pontificate about the next “big thing” and meet like-minded professionals? It’s just too bad your customers don’t attend these IoT conferences. Start going to the main conferences that your customers attend. Have an IoT solution for fleet management? Attend the NAFA Fleet Management Association Institute and Expo conference. Have a solution for the mining industry? Attend the International Mining and Resources Conference. You won’t find many IoT experts or vendors at these conferences, but you will find many customers that need your solution. 4. Stop Looking for Customers Who Have Budget.In an emerging market, the customers who have budget for your solution are early adopters. They take the time to understand your technology, give you feedback to improve your solution, and are willing to buy it despite its limited functionality and performance. It’s too bad there aren’t enough early adopters to sustain you and everyone else in the marketplace. Start looking for customers who will free up budget for your solution. These are the customers for whom your solution has such compelling value, they can’t afford not to have it immediately. They are mining companies that require predictive maintenance because a broken excavator means millions of dollars in lost revenue per day. They are fleet managers whose trucks can be dispatched proactively to anticipate customer needs and secure new pickups (and revenue) before the competition can react. 5. Stop Confusing Your Customers. Imagine yourself as the customer. You are faced with over 350 IoT platforms in the marketplace with no standardized definition of what an IoT platform is. You have to choose between multiple competing wireless connectivity options (LPWANs, Cellular IoT, WiFi, Bluetooth), and that doesn’t include the pending launch of 5G. You look to vendor websites for more information but are hit with buzzwords such as as gateways, edge computing, AI, machine learning, data analytics, “as a service”, and so on. Even if you wanted to buy, imagine trying to make a decision in this environment. Start educating your customers. Confusion and lack of awareness reign in an early market. Provide your customers with the necessary and unbiased foundation to understand what IoT is and does, its underlying components and how it works through webinars, content marketing, and other trainings. Provide them with a strategy to incorporate IoT technologies into their organizations and a framework to help define what they need. 6. Stop Marketing to Customers.Your customers are inundated with marketing messages daily. Emails, phone calls, text messages and faxes. Online ads and social media posts. Podcasts and videos. “Free” webinars. This is exacerbated in the current market where there are more IoT vendors than the market can ultimately support. In this environment, your customer is not only more confused than ever, but has developed an immunity to your marketing. Start marketing to and partnering with influencers, thought leaders, analysts, and consultants that break through the “noise” and reach your customer. While you shouldn’t totally stop your traditional marketing efforts, allocate some of your resources to these channels. One reason why these channels work better is that they are perceived as non-biased and provide a bigger picture perspective than any single vendor can provide. 7. Stop Working Against Your Channel.You designed your solution with a perfect product-market fit for the customer, but forgot about the people who sell and install your solution. While your solution produces tangible value for the end-user, it adversely affects the channel resellers’ revenue and profitability, disintermediates them, or make it harder for them to do business with you. Given this reality, the channel resellers have no incentive to promote your solution. Start partnering with your reseller and service providers to reduce channel friction. Co-create your solution with your channel to capture product-market fit from their perspective. Develop marketing programs that incentivize your channel to pursue new sustainable opportunities. Help your channel identify suitable niches within their existing customer base that don’t conflict with their existing interests. 8. Stop Selling to IT. Despite the connected nature of IoT solutions, IoT is not Information Technology (IT). It is more like industrial technology, or operations technology than information technology. IoT solutions are involved in the primary value creation activities of an organization (products and services) while IT solutions support those activities. Start finding and selling to IoT buyers. They don’t belong to a single centralized organization like IT, but are scattered across multiple organizations internally. They come from marketing, support, manufacturing, and operations. They have a different mission and reasons for buying. While IT is involved in the buying decisions, they may not the be the primary decision-makers. In order for a purchase to actually happen, IoT and IT buyers will coordinate among themselves over roles and responsibilities, budget allocation and transfer, and resource allocations. 국비 8억원 지원받아 스마트폰 내비게이션에 실시간 주차정보서비스 확대제공(주차장 175개소) 2016년 40개 주차장 설치 후 효과 정보가 인상적입니다. 2016년 완료한 1단계 사업의 효과분석을 보면, 인천시내 평균 통행속도 는 평일 16.9%, 휴일 24.4%가 증가했으며, 주변도로 교통량은 평일 6.9%, 휴일 16.8%로 감소했다 관련기사 : http://www.m-i.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=319349 http://www.fnnews.com/news/201706190857367573 인천시 미추홀 주차정보 안내시스템 http://parking.incheon.go.kr/ CCTV 설치가 계속 늘어나면서 이슈화 되는 관제인원의 현황과 예상되는 문제점에 대한 기사들이 계속 되고 있습니다. 기존 시스템을 좀더 효율적으로 관리하기 위한 관제요원이 더 편리하게 관리하기 위한 기능 개발과 운용 환경이 필요한것 같습니다. http://www.edaily.co.kr/news/NewsRead.edy?SCD=JG31&newsid=01394006615994520&DCD=A00703&OutLnkChk=Y
CCTV 50% 느는 동안 관제요원은 14% 증가 국내에서도 반가운 물리보안(PSIM) SW 업체가 소개되고 SMART CITY 를 목표로 하는 협회가 만들어지고 있습니다. !! http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=68576
http://www.smartcitykorea.com/eng/solutions.html Forensic Search 기능을 지원하는 SW(VMS,NVR)이 늘어나고 기능도 확장되어 가는 것 같습니다. 보쉬의 IVA 기능 영상입니다. AI, Deep learning 기반의 비전, security 기술 관련 기사들이 계속 나오고 있습니다. 아래는 일본 히타치 에서 소개한 sw의 소개와 데모 영상입니다. https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d45544e78517a4d/share_p.html (원본) Japanese electronics giant Hitachi Ltd is developing software equipped with artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance security screenings at large-scale venues including shopping malls and sports stadiums. "Until now, we've needed a lot of security guards and people to review security camera footage. We developed this AI software in the hopes it would help them do just that," said Tomokazu Murakami, a senior researcher from Hitach The software, displayed on three large television screens at a Hitachi research center in Tokyo, uses artificial intelligence to identify at least 100 different characteristics of dozens of people walking in various places, including train stations and intersections. Each person is highlighted in a green square, with a blue line showing a list of characteristics of each person including the clothes they're wearing, what they are carrying, and their mannerisms.
Using the data acquired, it allows the user to pinpoint a person by their characteristics and scan the available footage to follow their footsteps. Once the target is locked on, it displays their attributes including gender, age, hair, clothes, and mannerisms. It also displays a list of video footage where the said person was seen. The software is expected to be rolled out for corporate customers within two years. It was revealed in late March. (Source: Reuters) 위의 사진은 AXXONSOFT KOREA 사무실에 설치 되어 있는 IP Camera 중 한 제품입니다. (한화테크윈 wisenet series) 이렇게 찍힌 사무실 안의 영상이 누구에게나 열려 있고 공유가 된다면, 누군가 지켜보고 있다는 것은 더 이상 상상속에서의 일이 아닙니다. CCTV확산과 그에 따른 영상 유출의 문제는 계속 언론에 이야기 되고 있습니다. http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69326 어린이 수영장 CCTV 유출…”볼 것도 없으니 괜찮다” 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.28 SMART CITY 에서 SMART SURVEILLANCE 는 필수 분야중 하나입니다. AXXON에서도 해외 여러 SMART CITY 프로젝트에 참여 중입니다. SMART CITY의 설계와 구축이 개발대상 국가 대상으로 더 활발히 이루어지는 것은 기존 설비와 충돌없이 체계적인 설계와 구축이 가능해서 아닐까 합니다. http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69262 세계 최대 스마트시티 프로젝트, 나이지리아 에코 아틀란틱 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.26 http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69112
“지능형 CCTV는 완벽하지 않다. 다만 빠르게 발전할 뿐이다.” 사람이 육안으로 화재를 판단할 때도 오판의 경우가 있듯이 지능형 CCTV 도 아직은 완벽하지는 않지만 다중센서를 통해 오탐률을 줄이는 것에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다. 또한 비젼인의 경우 리눅스 기반의 IoT 보드에서 운영하는 역량을 계속해서 키워나가고 있습니다. 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.19 http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69184 “한화테크윈, IFSEC 2017참가” 해외 3대 시큐리티 전시회 (ISC, ASIS, IFSEC) 중의 하나인 ‘IFSEC 2017’에 대규모로 참가한 한화테크윈, 국내 No.1은 물론 활발한 해외 시장 공략을 통해 해외입지도 더욱 단단히 다지려는 계획입니다. 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.21 http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69212 “이글루 시큐리티, 대구 AI 기반 지능형 보안관제 체계 총괄 사업자 선정” 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.22 http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69111 “관악구 CCTV 재난방송서비스로 골든타임 확보한다” 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.19 http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=69197 “빅데이터 분석에 AI를 더하다…삼성SDS, 브라이틱스 AI발표 출처 : CCTV NEWS_2017.06.22 계속 AXXON 내부에서도 외부 시장에서도 언급이 되고 있는 딥러닝과 CCTV, 영상 관제 관련 글입니다. 일리시스는 지능적인 영상분석 관련 원천 기술 개발 전문기업입니다. (http://www.illisis.com) http://www.cctvnews.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=68301
표정으로 테러/용의자를 구분하는 진화된 얼굴 인식기술의 소개가 국내외에 소개되어서 공유 합니다. 러시아(!) 회사이고 startup 회사로 소개 되고 있습니다. 실제 적용 되는 현황과 기술 수준은 본사에 문의해 보려고 합니다. :) 출처 : https://www.digitaltrends.com/cool-tech/russian-startup-launches-facial-recognition/ NTechLab is only a year old, but the Russian startup is making headlines with its controversial facial recognition technology. The company rocketed to the top of this nascent industry when it beat Google in the “MegaFace” facial recognition competition held last year in Washington state. With 30 successful tests under its belt and 300 pending orders, the company is ready to take its facial recognition system to the world. The company plans to make its cloud-based facial recognition system available to corporate, government, and law enforcement clients. This cloud-based service allows an entity to upload a database of photos and use it for facial recognition purposes. Later this year, NTechLab will release a software development kit for third-party developers and will roll out a factory security system powered by its facial recognition tech. NTechLab sets itself apart from its competitors with its high level of accuracy and its ability to search an extensive database of photographs. At the MegaFace Championship, NTechLab achieved a 73 percent accuracy with a database of 1 million pictures. When the number dropped to 10,000 images, the system achieved a jaw-dropping accuracy of 95 percent. “We are the first to learn how to efficiently handle large picture databases,” said NTechLab founder Artem Kukharenko to Intel iQ. “This advantage is the key to solving real-world problems, such as finding a criminal in real-time or identifying a regular customer from store surveillance cameras.” The 20-person company was able to achieve these results using both deep learning and a neural network-based architecture. According to Kukharenko, the most difficult part of the process is the initial facial recognition, which is system-intensive. This step is the bottleneck in the process, and the team is working hard to improve the facial recognition algorithm so it can process a face at a faster rate and with fewer resources. Once a face is scanned, the system builds a feature vector with 80 numbers that represent detailed information about the face. Each person has a unique collection of numbers that distinguishes each profile from other people. In this stage, the system also identifies features in the face that’ll remain constant even when a person ages, grows facial hair, or changes their appearance by wearing glasses or putting on a baseball cap. The final stage compiles this information and uses it to search for a match in the picture database. NTechLab built its architecture to scale efficiently, allowing it to increase the database size tenfold, while only slowing down the detection process by 1.5 times. NTechLab has tested its technology on crowds, using it at an Australian amusement park and at the Alfa Future People Festival held this summer in Russia. At the music festival, concert attendees were invited to share their selfies with the NTechLab system. The system would scan the photos, store them, and use facial recognition technology to find the concertgoers in the crowd. When a match was identified, the system would send the matching concert photos directly to the person’s phone. In another public demonstration of its facial recognition prowess, NTechLab earlier this year released FindFace, a free app described as Shazam for people. The app allowed users to snap a photo of someone on the street and submit it for identification. The facial recognition technology identified the unknown person by searching the Russian social network Vkontakte and matching the submitted photo with a person’s social network feed 국내기사 : 출처1 전문 : http://view.asiae.co.kr/news/view.htm?idxno=2017051114150958555 출처2 전문: http://www.sciencetimes.co.kr/?p=164078&cat=36&post_type=news https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/future-video-encoding-h265-vs-h264-security-system-depot High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), also known as H.265, is a video compression standard that first debuted in 2013. In comparison to its predecessor, H.264(AVC), it offers on average double the data compression ratio while maintaining the same image quality at the same bit rate. H.264 is widely used, but just like H.265, took a few years to take off. Since its creation back in 2013, H.264 has undergone 22 revisions up until 2014. H.265, respectively, has had it latest 4 revision in 2016. Due to being owned by various parties under restricted patents as well as having licensing fees that are more expensive than H.264, it has deterred many from adopting the new technology even with its clear superiority. Although as time progresses, H.265 will be the only viable video encoder for higher resolution systems. One of the main benefits in the security industry to which one would prefer H.265 is storage capacity and costs. The new IP systems that support this video encoding standard boast about the 50% of bandwidth reduction. This includes the costs saved on physical SATA drives and a more expensive router that supports higher bandwidth. For example: An H.264 IP system recording 24hrs/day with 16 4MP cameras with a bit rate of 6144 kbps has a total bandwidth of 98304 kbps. With an 8TB HDD in the NVR, this system can record for about 7 days. An H.265 IP system recording 24hrs/day with 16 4MP cameras with a bit rate of 3072 kbps has a total bandwidth of 49152 kbps. With an 8TB HDD in the NVR, this system can record for about 14 days. Below is another comparison example between H.265 and H.264: H.265/HEVC also supports HD and Ultra HD (UHD) video formats. H.264 lacks in this aspect as it can no longer meet the requirements needed for video encoding for higher image resolution.As customers' demand better and better image quality, H.265 is the video encoder of the future where 4K and 8K UHD will also become the standard in the market. Again Notice below at the difference in the clearness of the image using H.265 as opposed to H.264.
Consider getting an IP NVR and IP cameras that support H.265 for your next IP job, don't wait to upgrade to the future of IP! (Security System Depot is the Master Distributor of Uniview IP systems, which suport the H.265 encoding technology, saving you on HDD and bandwidth costs. For more information, please visit our website at 1800dvr.com for all your CCTV needs.) Vivotek works with partners to integrate H.265 technology into software
Ninelu Tu, Taipei; Joseph Tsai, DIGITIMES [Thursday 27 April 2017] Taiwan-based camera product supplier Vivotek has completed integration of its H.265 compression technology with software from 11 designers: Axxonsoft, Genetec, Milestone, Nuuo, Synology, Cathexis, Digifort, Exacq, Luxriot, Macroscop and Mirasys. Vivotek's new Smart Stream II and H.265 compression technologies allow the company's products to greatly reduce bandwidth needed for transmitting image data, but still maintain good quality. The company is also looking to develop solutions for 360 and 180 degree camera products. 출처:http://m.biz.chosun.com/svc/article.html?contid=2017042801683&rank_wb 조선비즈 2017/04/29 NVIDIA 기사와 뉴스를 보면 항상 집중하게 됩니다. 이미 뜨거운 이슈가 된 AI 기술과의 연관도 당연히 관련 있고요 AXXONSOFT에서도 NVIDIA GPU 기술 이용 관련 협력과 기능 구현이 2009년부터 시작되었다고 합니다. 내용 중...
인공지능과 자율주행차 시대를 맞아 엔비디아가 주목받고 있는 현상을 "필연적 운명(destiny)과 뜻밖의 행운(serendipity)이 만난 셈"이라고 표현했다. 원문보기: http://m.biz.chosun.com/svc/article.html?contid=2017042801683&rank_wb#csidx315369bab322211ab98b643435a1eaf 출처: JTBC 뉴스 공식 SNS 기사일: 4월21일 링크:http://news.naver.com/main/read.nhn?mode=LSD&mid=sec&sid1=001&oid=437&aid=0000152697 자주 접하는 기사인데,, MAIN 뉴스의 주요 기사로 나오고 리얼한 해킹 영상을 즐기는 중국서버
모습을 보니 더 실감하게 됩니다. 위 기사로 가서 뉴스 영상을 보면 피해의 심각성을 볼수 있습니다. 가정용 HOME CCTV 카메라가 더 취합약하지만 CCTV 전반에 보안이슈에 대해서 대응과 대비의 움직임은 국내는 물론 해외에서도 마찬가지 인것 같습니다. www.magotec.com
국내에서 개발한 제품으로 소개 받았습니다. (담당 : 010.8876.5289) "열화상 카메라 + 비디오 카메라 + 가스 감지" 일체형 시스템입니다. (업체자료 중) 이 시스템은 열화상 카메라, 비디오 카메라, 가스 감지 장치, 소화장치(옵션)를 일체형으로 한 화 재 예방 및 감지 장치입니다. 감지 장치는 설치 모노레일 위를 자동 이동하면서 모니터링 합니다. 모노레일은 곡면, 직선등 현장의 환경에 맞게 설치 합니다. 감지장치를 고정하지 않고 레일 위를 이동시킴으로써 유사시 지정위치(장소)로 이동시켜 정밀 감시를 할 수 있기 때문에 사람이 직접 현장을 확인할 필요가 없습니다. 온도 상승은 열 화상 카메라로 상온에서 고온의 이상상태까지 온도를 실시간 감시하고, 감시장 소의 상황을 고화질 비디오 카메라로 원격 감시합니다 또한 감시장소 주변의 이상 가스 냄세도 감지하여 알려주는 기능이 있습니다. 신호의 전송은 배선이 불필요 무선을 사용합니다. 장치가 제대로 작동하고 있는지 여부는 기기 오작동 자체 진단 기능이 있습니다 Video Management Software (VMS) Market Report, Trends, Size, Share, Analysis, Estimations and Forecasts to 2022 According to Stratistics MRC, the Global Video Management Software (VMS) Market is accounted for $3.82 billion in 2016 and expected to grow at a CAGR of 24.7% to reach $14.4 billion by 2022. Factors such as increasing penetration of video surveillance, increasing large scale security network, increasing government spending in security sector and large infrastructure are driving the market growth. However, storage of high-resolution videos and recordings and issues related to privacy will hinder the market. Advanced Video Management solutions segment accounted for largest market share during the forecast period because large numbers of end-users are adopting video surveillance systems. IP-based segment is projected to grow at the highest rate in technology segment. Asia Pacific is the fastest growing market owing to development of smart city projects and intelligent transportation systems, especially in China & India. Some of the key players in global Video Management Software (VMS) market are AxxonSoft, Aimetis Corporation, Bosch Security Systems, Cisco Systems, Inc, Exacq Technologies, Inc, Genetec, Inc, Hanwha Techwin CO., LTD, Honeywell International, Inc, March Networks Corporation, Milestone Systems A/S, On-Net Surveillance Systems, Inc, Schneider Electric Industries SAS, Surveon Technology, Inc and Verint Systems, Inc. http://www.strategymrc.com/report/video-management-software-vms-market
http://www.nocutnews.co.kr/news/4735796 인하대학교 산학협력단이 대한캠핑협회와 요소 기술을 가진 기업 간 가교 역할을 담당해 IOT기술이 캠핑에 접목될 수 있도록 ‘스마트 안전 캠핑 IOT시스템’을 맞춤형으로 개발 제작했다
한화테크윈에서 Integration test 협력을 위해 새로 출시한 Wisenet X Series 카메라 시리즈를 AXXONSOFT KOREA에 제공을 해주었습니다. 화질과 사용 편리성이 상당히 좋습니다. H.265등 신기능 TEST를 진행 예정입니다. 한국지사에 오시면 통합된 DEMO를 보실 수 있습니다. Wisenet 제품 관련 소개 자료/영상입니다. http://www.hanwha-security.com/ |
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